Saturday, February 24, 2018

Seven Writing Links -- Volume 183

Despite having this Wednesday's blog post almost finished, I still haven't quite gotten around to posting it. (hangs head) So much for my new year's resolution of blogging more regularly.  At least I can still send out my weekly writing links. 

Have a great weekend! 


5 Terrible Ways to Launch Your Book

Blogging isn’t Dead: 8 Reasons to Start an Author Blog

8 Keys To Opening Your Story The Right Way

Keys to Moving Your Plot Forward

Better Book Descriptions in 3 Easy Steps

Writing: How to Write a Synopsis of your Self-published Book – and Why Indie Authors Need Synposes Too

Writing Tips: Using A Comic Relief Character For More Than Comedy


  1. You're half there!
    Terrible ways to launch a book? Now I'm curious.

  2. I'm with Alex. I'll have to see if I'm guilty of any or all of these.

  3. I'm having a tough time with my blogging resolutions too. It can be tough getting yourself back into the routine.

  4. I'm just making my two times a month. Barely!

  5. Sometimes, you just get busy and blogging takes a back seat. Thanks for the links!
