Wednesday, November 1, 2017

The Insecure Writer and Forgetting Your Responsibilities

Today is November's contribution to Alex Cavanaugh's Insecure Writers Support Group.

Why am I an Insecure Writer this month?

Because I think I may be neglecting my some of my secondary writer duties.   

Last month I moaned how I had neglected my fatherly and husbandly duties because I was so focused on writing my story. I believe I've become better at that over the past month, but now I realize it's been at the cost of neglecting other parts of my writing life.    

I'm embarrassed to admit I haven't posted on this blog since my IWSG post back in October. It's not as if I can't think of anything to write.  I have a couple of half-finished posts just begging to be completed. And it's not that I'm losing interest in this blog.  I'm just loathe to take time away from my story. Laziness may have played a small part, too. :)

Even worse, I've been neglecting my writer friends.  I don't think I've visited anyone's blog in the last month and that saddens me.  I want to be there to help celebrate your victories and to commiserate with you during your sorrows. It's my conversations with the rest of you that keep me going when the writing is isn't working. 

So I'm making you (and  myself) a promise.  I will return to my twice a week posting schedule (regular post on Wednesdays and writing links post on Fridays). I also promise to visit your blogs again.

There, that feels better.

Let's tackle this month’s IWSG question:

Win or not, do you usually finish your NaNo project? Have any of them gone on to be published? 

I've only tried NaNo once, several years ago, and failed miserably.  That's when I discovered no matter how well I outline at the beginning, my best ideas come when I'm writing the scenes.  These new ideas made a mess out of the original outline, and by the time I hit the 27000 word mark I knew there was no point in continuing. Everything I wrote from then on would be thrown out anyway. 

Besides, there's no point in me attempting NaNo again until I finish my current story. 


P.S.  I won the Show Us Your Writer Insecurity contest last month, so many thanks to the judges.  I'm already using the IWSG erasers I won to correct my daughter's calculus homework, so they're coming in handy.  I also won a two chapter critique (provided by Michelle Wallace), so I'm feeling the pressure to polish the first two chapters of my story.  This will be the first time someone other than my crit group buddies will see these words, so I'm anxious (terrified) to see what she has to say.  


  1. Hi Ken. I'm pretty much in the same situation at the moment. Life is full and priorities have had to be organised, which has meant my blog has been neglected for the time being. Good luck with all your ventures.

  2. I can understand - I didn't post for October IWSG and have had a terrible time keeping up with visits. Don't beat yourself up - your family always comes first and everyone understands that. Congrats on your October win!!

  3. Congrats on winning the contest. I can totally relate to what you're saying, Ken. I've had a lot of blogger friends stop blogging and am having to make new friends and read blogs more. It's hard to find the time. FYI if twice a week blogging is too much, you might try once a week like so many do. I finally started it doing it too, in part because there aren't many people around the other days. Looking forward to seeing you around more.

  4. Glad the erasers arrived!
    Don't beat yourself up about blogging. You've set a goal so just go forward.

  5. I haven't found the right balance between writing and the rest of life yet. It's tough, especially since the responsibilities and commitments of the rest of life varies from month to month. Keep on trying to find what suits you best.

  6. It's tough finding the right balance between writing, blogging, and everything else to do with life. I agree with Alex: go forward with the goal you've set for yourself.

  7. Congrats on winning the contest! I'm going to have to find a beta reader one of these days as my local critique group fell apart. As I get going on a new novel, I've considered blogging less. I don't have any trouble coming up with posts, but reading other blogs and commenting takes a lot of time. It's a balancing act for sure.

  8. Congratulations on winning the contest! That's awesome that you've put your prizes to work. :)
    I know what you mean about feeling like I've neglected my writing buddies. Because I like NaNo (I know, I'm weird), I am just posting twice this month, but I'm going to try to visit more blog buddies each week because I find that hearing everyone's stories of success, frustration, and hopes, really help me keep going.

  9. I did wonder where you were but there are quite a few bloggers who only do so for #IWSG. Still, it'll be nice to have your unique take on things back!

  10. I never post anything on my blog other than #IWSG posts. I'm way too busy with family and writing. Don't beat yourself up!

  11. Congrats on your win! And I know it can be darned difficult to balance your life obligations with your writing. I am scaling back some of my writing group meetings etc. because I was gone almost every night of the week. As for NaNo, I put up a project for this year but I don't know if I'm going to actually do it.

  12. Congrats on your win! And don't beat yourself up. Balancing all this stuff is hard, and blog posts are a lot less important than Dad-ing and writing.
    My IWSG Post

  13. NaNo certainly isn't for everyone! I love it - but I can't/won't let it rule over real life and the story itself. It's a fun incentive to me.
    It's so incredibly difficult to do all of our things well - don't get too stressed!

  14. We're kind of in the same spot. I've been off neglecting everything except France. Must make amends.

  15. Me I'm a NaNo rebel and take what I am working on now to NaNo and have an idea what to pick up when that is done. It is 50000 words does not say it has to be the same work. I have never won November NaNo but I have played everyone since 2013. Maybe I will do it this year and if not, I will get into the daily writing again which I have fallen out of habit of doing.

    Juneta @ Writer's Gambit

  16. I fell back from blogging and social media a few years ago and lost that balance. It does take effort to make it happen, especially when it comes to maintaining contacts and showing support.

    Do we get to see photo of you with those erasers?

  17. It's an ongoing struggle to keep everything balanced - if you discover the secret, let me know! Anyway, great to hear you'll be back to regular posts. Congrats on the photo win.

  18. That's cool to get the critique and that you can help your daughter with her calc. It's been way too many years since I took that class to be able to help anyone though my kids did fine without me. Glad to see you back at blogging.

  19. Congrats on winning that award, Ken! It's okay to spend some time away from blogging. We all do that from time to time, or most of the time (like me...).

  20. Congrats on winning! That's awesome! And it's okay to spend more time writing than blogging. We writers understand. :)

  21. 27,000 words is great, Ken! It's tough to find enough time to do all that we want to do, or at least it is for me. Good luck with all you try to accomplish.
    ...I wish I understood chemistry...

  22. Life doesn't always allow us to do everything, and that's okay. Congrats on the award!

  23. I trade blogging for writing when I have to, too. There are only so many hours in a day. Glad you met your goal to spend more time with your family.

  24. I only blog once a month now but that's all I can manage at the moment. We have to make priorities if we want to get certain things done, especially when life is trying to pull us in an opposite direction.

  25. It’s all about finding a balance between all aspects of life and what you are happy doing (guilt-free).

  26. i had to cut down to twice a month - and i'm definitely neglectful and feel bad, missing my writerly/blogging friends! it's weird when i have a few free moments, i don't know what to do with myself - so i'm glad when i remember to visit blog friends!

  27. I think it's the natural course for things to wane in the wake of writing. Heck, look at me, I'm barely getting around to visiting IWSG blogs and it's Tuesday of the following week. I know I go in rounds, sometimes I'm really social, and my writing suffers, and sometimes I'm in the throes of writing and nobody sees me for weeks. :)
