Friday, February 6, 2015

Writing Links -- Volume 62

Whew!  I spent most of this week digging out from under the snow.  I also learned two things.

1. It's amazing how easily a small car like the Ford Focus can get stuck on unplowed roads. Arrgh!

2. Having snow and ice stuck inside your tire rims (thanks to being stuck on the unplowed road) can make your car shake really badly when you hit 50 mph.  Shudders...

Hey, at least I got some writing accomplished!

Enjoy the links and have a great weekend.

How to Slash Your Word Count by 20-40% – and tighten your story without losing any of the good stuff!

Weaving A Magic System: A guest post by WOVEN authors David Powers King and Michael Jensen

The World According to You

Resonance: Taking the Familiar and Building Upon It With Your Own Twist

How To Win Sales And Influence Algorithms

3 Reasons to Bundle the Early Books in Your Series

Creating Dimensional Characters—The Blind Spot


  1. We got so lucky here as the snow passed us by. I'm so glad as I hate driving in it! Your experience made me shudder. Hope you the snow is done for you now!

  2. Ugh! That sounds like a fun drive. Glad you got writing done, though!

  3. Is it wrong the two items about tires made me chuckle? Been there, done that!

  4. Move to Sydney, Australia. You won't have to worry about snow ever again :)

  5. I drive a small 4-wheeler and love driving in the snow. :-P Just thought I'd rub it in a bit. Seriously though, I would have pulled you out if I'd come across you.

    Kitty litter can be a good friend under your tires if I'm not in the hood. Just sayin' :-)

    Anna from Shout with Emaginette
