Wednesday, March 1, 2023


Today is March's contribution to Alex Cavanaugh's Insecure Writers Support Group.

Why makes me an insecure writer this month?

Well, despite my ongoing health problems t..and that the resulting medications hat leave me tired all the time, I still managed to finish writing  one of my reader  magnets; a short story that’s a retelling of the terminator movie spun up as an urban fantasy. I’m pretty proud of it, and the editor really enjoyed it, so I’m happy. 

I settled on the cover for my debut Urban Fantasy quite a while ago, But some of you asked for a cover reveal, so here it is.
My hope is that the cover portrays  both a sense of magic and science, both of which are a major part of the story.

Thanks for reading.

March 1 question - Have you ever read a line in novel or a clever plot twist that caused you to have author envy?

Of course I have, it's one of the reasons I'm such a slow writer. I read someone else's words, then I have to step away from  the laptop for a day or two before I can write again. 

Thanks for stopping by.

Ken Rahmoeller


  1. Terrific cover! Take your time, good writing is worth waiting for.

  2. Love your cover. Glad you're getting some writing done with your health challenges. I hope you're feeling better soon.

  3. So glad you posted your cover today, Ken. You've succeeded in getting the magic/science message you wanted. Congratulations.

  4. I'm happy to see a post from you this month! I've been wondering how you're doing. Awesome news from the editor! And I love seeing your cover again.

  5. Hi, Ken! I'm happy and relieved to see you post this month. I've been thinking of you a lot and hoping that you were coping and improving. Kudos to you for continuing to write through the medicine and illness challenges. I love your cover, and I think it does reflect science and magic.

  6. Awesome cover, Ken! Yes, both fantasy and science.
    Sorry the medication keeps zapping your energy.

  7. Ken, it's a gorgeous cover. You're getting closer.

  8. Love the cover. It portrays exactly what you wanted it to. So sorry your meds are making you tired. Congrats on what you've been able to accomplish.

  9. I love that cover. Definitely communicates the mix of magic and science you're going for, and I am so eager to read that book when it comes out!

  10. Love the cover! Congrats!

    I'm facing some medical issues of my own. Hoping I'll be around to write my next novel. (Sorry I missed making return visits for IWSG. My internet went out for over 40 hours.)

  11. Praying for your health, Ken, for miracles, comfort, wisdom from doctors, and strength for you, and for your family and friends to surround you with love and kindness each day.

  12. Ill health and tiredness can really drag you down, as I know. Look after yourself.

  13. Great cover!! And good job on finishing the magnet

  14. Love the cover! And you're so right, reading a good book inspires me. Happy IWSG Day, Ken. Hope you feel better sooner than soon.

  15. Ken - your posts have always been uplifting, your comments always encouraging. Praying for you and your family now.

  16. I am so sorry to hear the news about Ken. Sending peace to his loved ones.

  17. It was really sad to read about Ken's passing. My sincere condolences to the family.
