Wednesday, January 2, 2019

The Insecure Writer and 2019

Today is January's contribution to Alex Cavanaugh's Insecure Writers Support Group.

Why am I an Insecure Writer this month?

Because I don't know if I'll be able to finally finish my debut novel this year or not.

One year ago, I set myself the goal of finishing my Hogwarts fan fiction and uploading the chapters to Wattpad by the end of the year. I accomplished this (barely), and it was such a huge relief. Ten years is long enough to work on any story.  This year, I’m setting a goal of finishing my urban fantasy by the end of the year. Since it’s over halfway finished, you might think this would be a piece of cake, but alas, I’m a slow writer, so I know it’s going to be close. Time has a way of zipping by at my house, with days turning into weeks, which turn into months. But I hit my goal last year, so I have some hope. Wish me luck.

This month’s IWSG question is: What are your favorite and least favorite questions people ask you about your writing?

To be honest, the only people I tell I’m a writer are other writers. My family knows, but I feel no compulsion to mention it to anyone else. At least, not until I finish a book. In the meantime, I guess my least favorite question would be: When will your book be published? It's a question I ask myself all the time.

Happy New Year everyone!



  1. You finished the fan fiction - you can finish your urban fantasy!

  2. I'm a slow writer, too, so I feel your pain. But I'm very determined to finish my book this year (actually in the next two weeks or so), so you can do it, too!

  3. Congratulations on finishing and posting your fan fiction. And all the best with your urban fantasy!

  4. You did it! You can do anything now. Believe.

  5. Ken, you are a writer! Believe it! You have something they can read- on Wattpad.
    I had a high school student a few years ago who started publishing her work on Figment under a pen name - she didn't want to tell many people she knew about her passion - but she found followers there and finally realized she is a writer.

    You are a writer. You are a published author. Believe it!!!

    Tolkien was a slow writer, wasn't he? I would love to be able to write like Tolkien. Don't knock your writing ability and your methods. You rock!

  6. I like your least favorite question. I have quite a few books almost done so I'm committed to getting them out once a year. But, they will be finished soon. But, some I've been writing for 25 years. I did wonder if I'd ever publish!

  7. Good luck with your goal this year! I'm sure you can do it!

  8. Yay on your goal - I bet you'll be just fine!!
    I ask myself those kinds of questions all the time - when will I be ready to put my work out there????

  9. We're all pulling for you. Get 'er done.

  10. Congrats on meeting your goals! Hopefully you can accomplish even more this year.

  11. I hope you get it done, but life happens. You have a family and job too, hopefully. They are important too. And you are making progress. Hope you reach your goal.

  12. Frankly I wish I had kept it to myself until I had a book, but I took the advice tell everyone your a writer to get your subconscious to believe it. So I did. Worked so so, but has hiccups. LOL.

    Congrats on the goals. Happy Writing and IWSG!

  13. Best of luck on meeting your goal but if you don't make it, that's okay too! You will finish the book in your own time. You're making progress so that's what counts. Congratulations again on finishing your story last year - hooray!

  14. Some books take longer than others, but you're still on track with the desire to finish it and see it between covers. A lot of people give up when they don't meet their time goal. Good for you with setting a new goal and moving on. All my best in 2019.

  15. LOL at your last sentence. I want you to succeed. Whether you're a fast or slow writer, it doesn't matter. What counts is progress. You've proved you can accomplish one goal. You can do it. Sending good wishes across Michigan.

  16. Snail writer here! Congrats on getting that first goal—that's a huge accomplishment. The year just started, so I'm betting you can make the next goal too. Go! Go! Go!

  17. Fast or slow, only YOU can set the pace of your writing. I think George R.R. Martin has blown the cover off the myth of "fast writers = successful writers." Good luck to you in your goals!

    As a children's writer, the question I most dread is "What writers influenced you?" The kids who ask it -- and even the teachers of those kids -- expect me to name authors they know: Neil Gaiman, JK Rowling, Rick Riordan, etc.

    But the truth is I was influenced by authors I read as a child, and I often read from my mother's decades-old collection of Gothic mysteries, as well as authors offered by my monthly Science Fiction Mailing Club. (It was the '80's.)

    I can list names, but they mean nothing to middle school kids -- and often nothing to their teachers either! Which reinforces how old I am ... which makes me feel ... what was the original question again?

    Oh yes. How much I hate that question!

  18. I, for one, know how difficult it is to finish even when you've made so much progress. But I believe you can do it. And I'll be there to read it when you're done. :)

  19. Good luck to you! Success has a way of building upon success. You met your goal last year, and you can do it again this year!

  20. I completely forgot about the IWSG post. :) Had other things on my mind. Thanks for stopping by anyway! I've not had much luck in the way of sharing my writing. I've given books away to friends and family and have seldom if ever gotten a response. Not even an "I don't read so I gave it to a friend." No response what so ever. It's very discouraging. At book signings, most folks are more positive but a few reviewers have said some nice things, and that definitely helps.

    Keep writing, Ken, you're almost there!
    Happy New Year!

  21. Happy New Year! And keep on writing. You'll get that urban fantasy novel finished.

  22. Good luck on finishing the story. Have a great 2019!

  23. Happy New Year, Ken! I'm a slow writer, too; but the important thing about that is that I am writing. Hang in there and keep writing. You'll likely reach your goal to finish your novel by the end of the year, but if you don't, you'll be way closer! Wishing you all the best!

  24. Wishing you luck and focus and a continued love of what you are writing.

  25. There's a really supportive Twitter hashtag called #TurtleWriters you might be interested in. You should be really proud of your accomplishment this past year, and proud that you're aiming high for this year, too. If you don't meet your goal, it won't be for lack of trying. :)

  26. Questions can be a blessing or a very awkward time. I've been through a few awkward times and learned to take it slow. Let the other person talk and nod your head. Smile and wave.

  27. You can do it! I'm trying not to pressure myself with publication dates this year. My stories will be ready when they're ready. Hope your 2019 is off to a great start!
