Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Write Like A Gardener Gardens

It's almost summer, which means it's the time of year I make think up bad analogies between writing and gardening.  This year, I'll keep it short and sweet.

As writers, our mission is to turn our tiny seeds of an idea and make them bloom in a way that makes us proud.

At first, our drafts are a mess, usually full of leaves, dead branches, and other detritus.

But after putting our story through several more drafts and letting our critique partners tear it to bits,  we hope for something a bit more like this.

A good start, but our story still needs more time and polishing.  So we throw ourselves into our story, trying to make it the best it can be, all in the hope that one day, when readers open our book, this is what they will see.

That's what keeps me writing every day.



  1. Good analogy! My garden typically looks like the first version all year round... Now I hope my writing doesn't read like that too. :)

    1. No, your stories definitely don't look like by beginning garden. Mine, on the other hand, I'm not so sure.

  2. Good analogy and quite the transformation of your backyard. Want to come do mine?

    1. I can barely work up the desire to take care of my own backyard these days. You should have seen what my yard looked like back when I was motivated.

  3. I love the metaphors- they're spot on! And your garden is beautiful!

  4. Yes, writing is like gardening. I keep trying new plants to see what happens.

  5. I like the analogy. Takes time to develop that green thumb!

  6. My garden looks really good right now, but only because we hired our lawn guy to fix it up for my daughter's graduation party. (As an unrelated side note, our lawn guy looks and sounds just like actor Chris Pratt, so my daughters enjoyed the view all day.)

    I wonder if Chris Pratt's doppleganger can fix my rough draft, too ...
